GIC utilizes its index and knowledge of carbon emissions protocols for agriculture to evaluate and assess the potential of new agricultural technologies and practices designed to reduce GHG emissions. GIC also partners with certified and experienced environmental firms specializing in GHG quantification and emissions management to conduct comprehensive footprint analysis for agribusiness companies and design reduction strategies for the short-term and the long-term. Through its involvement with CAR and previous work using the GIC-ACI, GIC is familiar with range of agricultural related carbon reduction protocols and practices. GIC also has extensive knowledge regarding different requirements for compliance and voluntary markets, including issues concerning additionality thresholds and performance benchmarks.As part of its carbon practice, GIC launched a carbon emissions reporting and management service for U.S. ethanol producers to comply with the reporting regulations promulgated by the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA’s mandatory GHG reporting rule requires ethanol production facilities with GHG emissions in excess of 25,000 metric tons of CO2equivalent to file reports under the category: General Stationery Fossil Fuel Combustion. In 2012, the EPA will require ethanol producers in the reporting category to also include their wastewater emissions.
GIC’s service for ethanol producers is oriented toward addressing the short-term reporting requirement, while evaluating and implementing near-term and medium-term solutions for reducing carbon emissions. As part of the strategic effort, GIC will work producers to identify cost-effective mitigation strategies that can be used to convert their carbon liabilities into assets by monetizing the reduction value of the new strategies.