GIC works to provide its clients with the latest information on regulatory developments and policies concerning climate change and GHG emissions as they pertain to international agribusiness. GIC focuses on issues relevant to both production agriculture and related secondary agribusiness industries, such as biofuels, biotechnology, fertilizer manufacturers, animal feed additive firms, processors, and food and beverage manufactures. GIC also examines policies and market opportunities in the forestry arena as they relate to global agribusiness. Carbon market and policy topics include:
- The Kyoto Protocol and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
- European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
- Green Climate Fund
- California Emissions Trading Scheme (Cal ETS)
- Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
- Climate Action Reserve (CAR)
- Voluntary Carbon Markets
- New Emissions Reduction Protocols for Agriculture
GIC is currently participating in the Climate Action Reserve’s (CAR) working group to develop a new protocol for the management of cropland related GHG emissions. GIC is also participating in the review of the proposed nutrient management protocol being developed by CAR through a separate working group.